The Way of the Holistic Warrior

The mission of Holistic Warrior Program represents a system that is divided into three main components:

  1. a philosophy
  2. a set of teachings
  3. practical exercises.

This system addresses the concept of our oneness, and inner-relatedness with all things.  It changes our daily focus from struggling against life, to flowing with life, as we strive to conquer the outer self (the conscious mind) and achieve harmony with the inner self and higher self.

The Holistic Warrior Program addresses all three-program components by stimulating participants to evaluate their own beliefs about the way life “should be”; their attitudes about themselves and others, as well as their experiences and their behaviors that dictate what they get out of life.


The Holistic Warrior Workbook

The purpose of this workbook is to help you keep an up-dated report on your progress.

Readings, exercises, and a supplemental book list are suggested to help you develop and increase your awareness about yourself and surrounding environment.  How much you get out these exercises and readings will depend on how much time and effort you take in practicing and processing each activity.

You will need to obtain a notebook to keep records of the exercises, dreams, and other thoughts that may come to you during the day or night.  Through these records you can map your journey of personal and spiritual development.

So, have fun, as you experience life!